Our Learning and Teaching programs in the Senior School of Genazzano are designed to cater for the learning needs of all students. Our programs are differentiated to ensure that every student is challenged appropriately and their learning program is individualised to their particular needs. We have a strong belief that learning should be aspirational and about growth. Our learning and teaching programs are designed around the concept of growth in learning and our curriculum caters for the academic, social and spiritual growth of all of our students. We also adopt a stage and age appropriate approach to our curriculum so that our curriculum is aligned with the developmental needs of our students.
All of our Learning and Teaching programs are informed by the latest educational research and theory. We adopt an evidenced based approach to curriculum development, design and delivery. We are also blessed with a wonderful learning environment that is technologically rich and allows for multi-modal approaches to learning and teaching. Students are also able to access a number of both internal and external enrichment activities run by members of our Learning Enhancement Department.

Students are encouraged to be independent learners who are curious and creative in their approach to problem solving. Our rigorous curriculum is complimented by a focus on the development on Future Skills. These skills are skills our students need to help them adapt to life in an ever changing, technologically rich world. Such skills include novel and adaptive thinking, computational thinking, virtual collaboration and cross-cultural competency.
As students’ progress through the Senior School they are encouraged to make decisions about their own learning pathways, further developing their interests and skills. Throughout this time, students are given the opportunity to explore new areas of study and select elective units covering a range of subjects from a wide variety of disciplines. It is also a time for students to strengthen their social skills and develop positive relationships with their peers and adults, both within the College and in the wider community.
The Senior School curriculum is comprehensive, relevant and purposeful. It is designed to allow students to develop the knowledge, skills and key competencies needed to achieve at the highest levels and prepare them for the challenges of VCE. Students complete both core and elective studies which provides them with a wide breadth of learning experiences and allows students to pursue areas of interest and passions. The development of sound study skills and habits is incorporated across the curriculum in an age and stage appropriate manner. Students are guided and encouraged to be independent learners and the establishment of sound work habits is emphasised across the Senior Years program.

We encourage our students to be self-regulated learners through a carefully planned program of reflection and review. Our approach to assessment is formative in nature. Our assessment practices are designed to allow students to grow in their learning by providing feedback which is individually targeted to the growth and development of individual skills. Students are encouraged to reflect upon assessment feedback so that they can identify their own strengths and weaknesses and as part of a consultation process with their teachers and parents, continue on a pathway of learning appropriate to them.
Prior to choosing a VCE program, students undertake a comprehensive personal development and careers program designed to help them make the most well informed decision about future learning pathways as possible.
One of our key goals is to provide our students with opportunities for acceleration and enrichment in their studies. From as early as Year 10 our students are able to access a variety of VCE studies. This allows our students to experience VCE from an early stage in their education and provides them with some valuable experiences as they embark on choosing their VCE program.
Having been provided with a comprehensive curriculum in Years 7 to 10, which has involved a range of core, elective studies and VCE studies, students entering VCE begin the earnest process of refining their options for their final years of schooling, as they look forward to tertiary study, careers and future pathways.

In order to broaden their VCE program and subsequent career and tertiary course options, our students usually elect to do more than the minimum requirements. Some students choose to study a Unit 1 and 2 in Year 10 or include VET studies in their program. Furthermore, undertaking six Unit 3 and 4 sequences can help students gain a higher Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). Students who have completed a Unit 3 and 4 sequence in Year 11 may be eligible to access Extension Studies at a number of different Tertiary Institutions and this can be included in their five subjects in Year 12. We encourage students to select a full VCE program so that they can achieve their full potential.
Students may also undertake VET studies as part of their overall VCE program.