Excellent Achievements in Mathematics
26 August 2016
Congratulations to Chelsea Kwan (Year 8), who is a national prize winner in the 2016 Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC). This prize indicates she is in the top 0.3% of the Junior Division. The AMC is a fun competition with many of the problems set in situations familiar to students and showing the relevance of mathematics in their everyday lives. The problems are also designed to stimulate discussion and can be used by teachers and students as springboards for investigation. Genazzano FCJ College entered over 440 girls in the competition.
We also extend our congratulations to Eleanor Kirkland (Year 10), who has been awarded a Certificate of Merit in the University of Melbourne School Mathematics Competition. This is the second time that Eleanor has been awarded a certificate in this challenging three hour competition. The University of Melbourne School Mathematics Competition endeavours to identify, reward and encourage true mathematical talent among school population. The competition is designed so that mathematical insight and ingenuity are needed for success, rather than efficiency in tackling routine examples. However, the mathematical knowledge required is present within the school syllabi.
Congratulations again, to both Chelsea and Eleanor.